Before you come to London you might be told that it’s not one city but lots of little cities each with their own character and style. I have a few tips for you if you want to match your personality to the neighbourhood you choose for your student housing. London has a place for every type.

Are You Trendy and Creative?
If you like to be in an environment that is free spirited and trendy or, as they say in English, ‘artsy’ then you should consider looking in the borough of Camden. Tufnell House is a hall of residence here that will give you a great living experience. Alternatively, there are homestays available.
The Camden area is well known as a magnet for musicians, painters and the generally creative types of personality. There are galleries, independent cafes, theatres and the famous Camden Market.
Creative personalities will also feel at home and stimulated on the opposite side of the city in the area known as the South Bank. This is where many of the national arts institutions are located: the National Theatre, the Royal Festival Hall, Tate Modern and others.
If this area appeals to you then you should consider Britannia South Bank for your student housing.
Are You a Literary Lover?
I am a romantic and when I came to the UK to improve my English I wanted to find inspiration in the area where some of the greatest writers and poets have lived. If, like me, you are looking for a literary environment then you should choose Bloomsbury for your student housing. London has been the home to literary and intellectual giants, many of whom lived in Bloomsbury: Virginia Woolf, Mathama Gandhi, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens and Bob Marley are just a few famous names.
The neighbourhood boasts the British Museum, and the centre of student life for all the London University colleges happens here. There are libraries, coffee shops, bookshops and a student union with a café that offers cheap and filling lunches (you don’t even have to be college member to eat there).
International Hall is located in the heart of this area and you can also find apartments for sharing, such as Rathbone Place. Again, a homestay is not a likely option as it’s not a residential district.
Do You Want to Be at the Centre of Everything?
For many who come here to study it’s a once-in-a-life opportunity to live in the centre of a big city. If it’s important to you to feel as though you are at the heart of the capital then there are a couple halls of residence that are perfect options for your student housing. London’s absolute centre is hard to define, but if you go for Marylebone in the west or Spitalfields in the east you will be in what Londoners call Zone 1 and you don’t get much more central than that.
Again, there aren’t many homestays in this area as the local families usually live outside Zone 1 where they can get bigger properties. However you should consider a student flat share or halls of residence like Chapter Spitalfields and Nutford House.
Wherever you choose to live in London you’ll find that your neighbourhood has its own personality and character. This is what I love the most about the city and it’s what makes every visit a new adventure. If you want advice on finding the right kind of area to suit you while you study in London you should talk to our team at Britannia Student Services. We specialise in matching students with accommodation options that meet their expectations and give them the experience of a lifetime during their stay.